Workshops and group therapy

Self Compassion for Infertility

This six week group is an opportunity to engage in a specialized therapy for those on a fertility journey who are looking for connection with themselves. Infertility can impact your identity deeply and lead to isolation, self-doubt and issues of self-worth. This group is a safe and supportive environment where you learn specific techniques to engage in mindfulness and self-compassion related to infertility.

  • Week 1: Introductions, group guideline overview and introduction to self-compassion

    Week 2: We will consider who were you before infertility. Integrate self-compassion and reconnect to your body.

    Week 3: You will name and validate your difficult emotions and practice forgiveness.

    Week 4: We will consider why are relationships to self and others so difficult? Learning how to navigate these dynamics.

    Week 5: You will explore forgiveness and connection.

    Week 6: We will embrace all that the preceding weeks have offered.

  • This group will be facilitated by Rita Girn, MA Counselling Psych CCC RSW PMH-C

Fourth Trimester

Bringing a new life into your family can be a challenging time. This six week group is an opportunity for new parents to learn skills to help them grow into their new roles. You’ll find this group a safe and supportive environment to share your unique experiences and share honest thoughts about the challenges you’re facing as you ease into parenthood with your new little family member.

    1. The birth of a mother

    2. Understanding postpartum depression and anxiety

    3. Cognitive behavioral therapy coping tools

    4. Transitioning from partners to parents

    5. Mindfully attaching with your baby while you are healing through creative arts

  • This group will be facilitated by Rita Girn, MA Counselling Psych CCC RSW PMH-C

NICU Parenting

Having a baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit can be an very isolating experience. This six week therapy group will connect you with others who have had similar happenings. You will learn about about perinatal mood & anxiety disorders, trauma and grief processing and more. The group encourage you to develop strategies and tools for coping with your unique experience.

  • Normalize NICU experiences and understand what happened in the NICU

    Learn to trust yourself and your parenting abilities

    Recognize the signs & symptoms of a perinatal mood & anxiety disorder

    Develop tools to manage fear, anxiety, and depression

    Understand the signs and symptoms of trauma and grief and develop effective coping strategies

    Receive peer support from other families who have had similar experiences

  • The group will be facilitated by Christine, a certified perinatal mental health professional and RSSW, currently working as a therapist in private practice with a focus on people in the perinatal period experiencing mental health issues and Kelley, a Registered Nurse & Psychotherapist with over 15 years’ experience working in the NICU, as well as education in infant & early child mental health & perinatal mental health.


Preparing for Baby

A one day workshop that helps you prepare for the arrival of your baby. Whether this is your first child or your 10th, this preparation workshop has nothing to do with the physical labour and delivery process but focusses on developing the ability to identify your needs, empowering you to make decisions and support your relationships in the postpartum period.

Making Marriage Work

This is a one day workshop to give your marriage a glow up. Regardless of the time that has passed since the beginning of your relationship, it can be a roller-coaster. Has your relationship met your expectations; are you both fulfilled and content? Or do arguments and tension take the wheel, stopping you from building a deep and lasting friendship that can support you both?

Postpartum Planning

This is a 2 hour workshop for couples to prepare for the postpartum period. This is a class for the parents’ mental health and wellness preparedness plan. This isn’t your regular prenatal class that shares that video from the 80s of an actual birth, but an opportunity to develop a working document that addresses the key areas for healing and support as you prepare to bring your little bundle home. It is an opportunity for each partner to reflect and identify their fears, hopes and concerns as they grow their family. This plan includes education on the postpartum period and your mental health and wellness along with logistical issues that need to be discussed and planned for before you are in the thick of it!

Have questions?

If you can change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. —Wayne Dyer